
→ Simple past tense is used to talk about actions that happened at a specific time the past.
→ Simple past tense from of the verb is a simple way to show that an event never happened
     and it has been customary in the past

1.      Formula simple past  tense verbal:

            ( + )  Subject + verb 2 +  object

            ( - )  Subject  + auxiliary verb ( did ) + not + verb 1 + object

            ( ? ) Auxiliary verb ( did ) + subject + verb 1 + object?

            ( + ) I visited grandmother yesterday

            ( - ) I did not visit grandmother yesterday

            ( ? ) Did I visit grandmother yesterday?

2.      Formula simple past tense nominal:

( + ) Subject + tobe (was, were) + adjective / noun / adverb

(  - ) Subject + tobe ( was, were) + not + adjective / noun / adverb

( ? ) Tobe (was, were) + subject + adjective / noun / adverb?


( + ) Tasya was a captaein of the day in my class yesterday

( - ) Tasya was not a captaein of the day in my class yesterday

( ? ) Was tasya a captaein of the day in my class yesterday?

by: meycin permatasari

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